28 December 2012

Things That Go Bump and Grind in the Night

Buy Eternally Yours HERE

By Kelli Scott
Show of hands. Who’s afraid of the dark? Who’s afraid to raise their hand?

Monsters lurk in the dark and in our nightmares (and under my childhood bed). Some monsters snatch at your ankles and pull you over to the dark underworld where the air is thick and hot and burns your lungs. The foul breath of the nocturnal beasts stings your nose and stimulates your gag reflex. They chase mere mortals down to feast on their flesh while they drink our fears and swallow our screams.

What else waits for us in the dark? Things that go bump and grind in the night. Lustful lost souls who feed off the living. Zombies. Ghosts. Vampires. Some creatures of the night are beautiful, powerful and dead sexy. They are drawn to what we have and they do not. A heartbeat. Breath. Warmth.

I’m not sure what makes the undead so damn spicy hot. They are the ultimate brooding hero or melancholy heroine, since nothing makes a guy or gal crankier than death. And they are unattainable, what with death being so permanent and incurable. Seems like a recipe for a tragedy. But some couples make it work. Hey, relationships are complicated.

Meet Luke and Meri. He’s quite mortal and she’s immortal. Talk about opposite’s attracting. No relationship is perfect, but for a few hours a year they make it work. They make it sizzle.

Eternally Yours blurb:

Years after Luke’s sweetheart was ripped from his arms on prom night, Meri’s loss still haunts him. Searching for her everywhere, he finds her only in his dreams and on the pages of a dark comic book he created in her image. But on the anniversary of her disappearance, she shows up on his doorstep without having aged a day. What can he do but invite her in?

Meri’s nights are all about surviving alone on the dark, seedy side of life. Once a year she treats herself to a night of tasty passion with her one true love. Is this the year to seal the deal and make their love eternal, or will she walk away to become just another fantasy?

Check out an excerpt:

A chill ran the length of his spine in spite of the warm air swirling around him. The dark, grainy picture looked overexposed where other areas seemed underexposed. But the resemblance to Meri appeared unmistakable. Her translucent skin against the dark background leapt off the screen. Her eerie red eyes, caused by a flash photo at night, haunted him, preying on what little hope remained after year upon year of heartache and disappointment. Touching the screen, he traced her features with his index finger.
Gooseflesh rose on his arms seconds before the doorbell sounded. The buzz jolted him to his senses. Anyone who knew him—really knew him—would leave him alone tonight.
Crossing the room, he opened the door, preparing to give someone a piece of his mind. Freezing instead, his extremities tingled but everything else numbed. Including his brain. Especially his mouth.
“Invite me in before you faint.”
“Meri?” Her whispered name on his lips barely registered due to his pounding heart.
“Luke.” Her tone mocked him. She peeked around the door and held out a bouquet of blood red roses like the ones he’d given her for Valentine’s Day way back in the day. “I guess we know who we both are.” Her eyebrows arched up. “Invite. Me. In.”
“I….” Teetering on wobbly legs, he staggered backward a few steps. Spots danced in his peripheral vision and a flash of heat swept through his trembling body.
“Don’t you dare pass out, Luke.” Her blurry finger waved as blackness closed in. “Invite me in, damn it! Can I come in, please?”
“That’ll have to do.”

What’s your undead of choice? Vampires? Zombies? Ghosts? Or something else entirely?


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